Wilkie Collins – Recent Spanish editions

Jun 12, 2013 | News

All listed books are currently available (25/07/00)

Editorial Montesinos, Barcelona:

La dama de blanco [The Lady in White], translation by Maruja Gómez Senegalés, first published April, 1984, reprinted many times since. ISBN: 84-89354-20-0.

La piedra lunar [The Moonstone], translation by Horacio Laurora, foreword by Jorge Luis Borges, first published 1981, reprinted many times since; 7th edition, 1997. ISBN: 84-89354-46-4.

El hotel encantado [The Haunted Hotel], translation by Alberto Correa Fink, first published 1996, reprinted Fall 1998. ISBN: 84-89354-23-5.

La mano muerta [The Dead Hand], short story collection including: “La mujer ensueño” [“The Dream Woman”]; “La mano muerta” [”The Dead Hand”], “La confesión del pastor anglicano” [“Jérômette and the Clergyman”], all translated by Santiago Martín, and “Monkton el loco” [“Mad Monkton”], translated by Elvio Gandolfo. First published in this edition April, 1998. ISBN: 84-89354-56-1.

Doble engaño [The New Magdalen], translation by Aurora González Bird, first published October, 1998. ISBN: 84-89354-51-0.

El secreto de Sarah [The Dead Secret], first published 1999. ISBN: 84-89354-88-X.

Ediciones Alba, Barcelona

Basil [Basil], translation by Miguel Martínez Lage, first published February, 1996; 2nd edition, May, 1996; 3rd edition, March, 2000. ISBN: 84-88730-98-5.

Sin nombre [No Name], translation by Gema Moral Bartolomé, first published December, 1997; 2nd edition, February, 1998; 3rd edition, May, 1998. ISBN: 84-89846-10-3.

Pobre señorita Finch [Poor Mrs. Finch], translation by Miguel Martínez Lage, first published April, 1999. ISBN: 84-89846-70-7.

Ediciones B, Barcelona

La dama de blanco [The Woman in White], translation by Miguel Martínez Lage, first published February,  1998 (reprinted several times since). ISBN: 84-406-4413-2. The best available edition. New paperback edition published March, 2000. ISBN: 84-406-9689-2.

Armadale [Armadale], translation by J. Ferrer i Aleu, originally published in 1990, first published in this edition February, 1998, reprinted several times since. ISBN: 84-406-7615-8. New paperback edition published March, 2000. ISBN: 84-406-9687-6.

La piedra lunar [The Moonstone], translation by Horacio Laurora, originally published in 1982, first published in this edition, February, 1998. ISBN: 84-406-7616-6. It’s the same translation as the Montesinos edition. New paperback edition published March, 2000. ISBN: 84-406-9688-4.

With Charles DickensLos Perezosos [The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices], translation by Jordi Gubern, first published September, 1997. ISBN: 84-406-7612-3.

Ediciones del Bronce, Barcelona

Confesiones de un granuja [A Rogue’s Life], translation by José Manuel de Prada, first published November, 1997. ISBN: 84-8300-307-4.

El hombre de negro [The Black Robe], foreword and translation by Damián Alou, first published October, 1998. ISBN: 84-89854-38-6.

Ediciones Rialp, Madrid

La ley y la dama [The Law and the Lady], translation by María Cristina Graell, first published 1994. Four editions so far. ISBN: 84-321-3064-8.

With Charles DickensCalle sin salida [No Thoroughfare], translation by Gregorio Solera, introduction by C.G.A., first published October, 1996, reprinted February, 1997. ISBN:  84-321-3122-9.

Ediciones Península, Barcelona

With Charles Dickens: Callejón sin salida [No Thoroughfare], translation by Ana Poljak, first published May, 1997. ISBN: 84-8307-047-2.

With Charles Dickens: El viaje inútil de dos aprendices gandules [The lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices], translation by Ana Poljak, first published November, 1997. ISBN: 84-8307-069-3.

Ediciones Valdemar, Madrid

Ioláni, o Tahití tal como era [Iolani, or Tahiti As It Was], translation by Óscar Palmer and Santiago García, introduction by Óscar Palmer, first published Fall, 1999. ISBN: 84-7702-277-0.

Monkton, el loco y otros cuentos de terror y misterio [i.e., Mad Monkton and Other Tales of Terror and Mystery], short story collection including: “Monkton, el loco” [“Mad Monkton”]; “Una cama terriblemente extraña” [“A Terribly Strange Bed”]; “La señorita Jeromette y el clérigo” [“Miss Jérômette and the Clergyman”];  “La señora Zant y el fantasma” [“Mrs. Zant and the Ghost”]; “¡Revienta con el bergantín!” [“Blow Up With the Brig!”]; “La mujer del sueño” [“The Dream Woman”]; “La mano muerta” [“The Dead Hand”]; “El señor Percy y el profeta” [“Mr. Percy and the Prophet”]; “El fantasma de John Jago” [“John Jago’s Ghost”]; “Las gafas del diablo” [“The Devil’s Spectacles”]. Translation by Óscar Palmer, introduction by Óscar Palmer, first published  February, 2000. ISBN: 84-7702-301-8.

Ultramar Editores, S.A. , Barcelona

Historias sobrenaturales y de terror [i.e., Stories of Terror and the Supernatural]. A short story collection. Contents and translator unknown. First published 1989, a 1996 edition is also listed on the ISBN data base and it is theoretically still in print, but I have never seen the book. ISBN: 84-7386-514-6.

Bibliotex, S.L.

¿Quién mató a Zebedee? [“Who Killed Zebedee?”]. Probably a short story collection. First Published 1998. Contents and translator unknown. I have never seen the book. ISBN: 84-8130-061-6.

A Note of Possible Interest: 

There also is a Spanish edition of William M. Clarke’s biography, published by Ediciones Alba as La vida secreta de Wilkie Collins.