Every year or so the Wilkie Collins Society publishes supplements to The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins. These 14 Addenda & Corrigenda include 424 newly identified letters and amendments to 146 others.

There is an individual link to a pdf of each and a link to all 14 in one large pdf. They can be freely downloaded. Hard copies may be available – contact Secretary.

The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins – Addenda & Corrigenda
Addenda & Corrigenda (14) 2023
Addenda & Corrigenda (13) 2020
Addenda & Corrigenda (12) 2018
Addenda & Corrigenda (11) 2017
Addenda & Corrigenda (10) 2016
Addenda & Corrigenda (9) 2014
Addenda & Corrigenda (8) 2013
Addenda & Corrigenda (7) 2011
Addenda & Corrigenda (6) 2010
Addenda & Corrigenda (5) 2009
Addenda & Corrigenda (4) 2008
Addenda & Corrigenda (3) 2007
Addenda & Corrigenda (2) 2006
Addenda & Corrigenda (1) 2005

All published
Addenda & Corrigenda (1-14) 2005-2023

The most comprehensive publication of Wilkie’s letters is
• Baker, William, et al., eds. The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins, Charlottesville, Virginia: InteLex Corporation, 2018. URL: Access is limited to academic institutions and libraries. It includes A&Cs 1 to 11.
Prior to that see
• Baker, William, et al., eds. The Public Face of Wilkie Collins: The Collected Letters. 4 vols; London: Pickering and Chatto/Routledge, 2005.