
The WCJ is happy to consider the submission of research articles up to around 8,000 words and research notes of around 3,000. All manuscripts should be in MS Word format, follow MLA Style (a useful guide is available at the Purdue OWL website), and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions are subject to peer review, and we do our best to offer constructive advice to younger or less experienced authors in particular. All submissions should be sent via email to the general editor, Graham Law of Waseda University:

The WCJ also undertakes reviews of major new publications on Wilkie Collins and related topics. Enquiries from publishers and authors should again be sent by email to

Special Bicentennial Issue of The Wilkie Collins Journal for 2024

As a contribution to the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Wilkie Collins, and to mark the beginning of a new series of the Journal, we intend this issue to be of larger-than-usual length and breadth. It will be made available both online in PDF format and in paper copy. To be in time for potential publication in this special issue towards the end of the year, we recommend submission no later than the end of July 2024.