The Mystery of the Woman in White in Leicester

By Valerie Pedlar Wilkie Collins delayed writing his own dramatisation of The Woman in White until 1870-71, more than ten years after serialisation in All the Year Round. In the meantime others had jumped on the bandwagon of the novel’s popularity. Serialisation...

Different Worlds

by Graham Law As I have shown in a brief article in the current issue of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal, Blind Love, the novel on which Collins was working when he died and which was completed by Walter Besant, appeared initially as a weekly serial not only in the...

Newsletter – Spring 2011

WILLIAM MALPAS CLARKE (1922-2011) With great sadness we have to report the death of William Clarke.  Married to Faith Dawson, Wilkie Collins’s great-granddaughter, he is best known to WCS members for his 1988 ground breaking biography The Secret Life of Wilkie...

Newsletter – Winter 2010

THE HORRORS OF MOVING Andrew Gasson has moved and from 1 November his address is as shown above.  As Wilkie so stylishly put it when moving to Gloucester Place in August 1867 ‘Will you kindly cause my address in your books to be altered to the address at the head of...

Newsletter – Summer 2010

MORE WOMAN IN WHITE The Woman in White in its 150th anniversary year is still occupying our attention.  Accompanying this Newsletter are two essays relating to Wilkie’s most famous novel. Paul Lewis has now finished his week by week e-text publication of the original...