Newsletter – Spring 2010

THE WOMAN IN WHITE – WEEK BY WEEK Paul Lewis continues the mammoth task of publishing The Woman in White in its original weekly parts.  More than 550 subscribers all over the world eagerly await their Sunday morning Collins ‘fix’.  Many others download the weekly pdf...

Newsletter – Winter 2009

There are two main themes for this Newsletter, The Woman in White and the 150th anniversary of its first publication and the relationship between Collins and Dickens in the light of several recent publications.  26 November 1859 is the issue of All the Year Round in...

Newsletter – Summer 2009

A NEW WILKIE WALK – SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER One hundred years ago this November these words were first published and took the reading public by storm. ‘I had now arrived at that particular point of my walk where four roads met – the road to Hampstead, along which I...

Newsletter – Spring 2009

‘VOLPURNO’ AND A PRIZE FROM THE WCS The most exciting recent news is the discovery of a previously unrecorded short story by Wilkie Collins.  This precedes ‘The Last Stage Coachman’ which has hitherto been the earliest known work by Collins, appearing in Douglas...

Newsletter – Winter 2008

THE JOURNAL The editors of the Journal of the Wilkie Collins Society (Graham Law and Lillian Nayder) have informed us that for a variety of reasons there will not be the expected Volume 10 to be issued for 2008.  It is hoped that the Journal will resume its normal...