Newsletter – Spring 2005

THE PUBLIC FACE OF WILKIE COLLINS SPECIAL TERMS FOR MEMBERS The four volumes of Wilkie’s letters, published under the title The Public Face of Wilkie Collins are due to be published in early to middle June of this year. The full price for the complete publication –...

Newsletter – Winter 2004

THE WCS JOURNAL The 2004 number of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal, editors Graham Law and Lillian Nayder report, has missed the Christmas deadline at the printers by the proverbial whisker. They would like to apologize to contributors and subscribers alike for the...

Newsletter – Summer 2004

‘A NATIONAL WRONG’ Enclosed with this Newsletter is ‘A National Wrong’.  This previously unsigned article by Wilkie Collins and James Payn, the novelist and editor, was originally published in Chambers’s Journal on 12 February 1870.  It is now republished for the...

Newsletter – Spring 2004

P. D. JAMES AT THE THACKERAY SOCIETY Members are reminded of the announcement in the last Newsletter of our joint meeting with the Thackeray Society on Thursday 27 May 2004 at the Reform Club in London’s Pall Mall.  Our Patron, the distinguished author P. D. James,...

Newsletter – Winter 2003

MARCH CONFERENCE CANCELLED For a variety of administrative reasons, the conference planned for 6 March 2004 has had to be cancelled.  We hope this hasn’t caused any inconvenience but in its place we can announce an even more exciting meeting…. P. D. JAMES – A...