Newsletter – Summer 2001

MAGNETIC EVENINGS Enclosed with this newsletter is the Society’s latest reprint,‘Magnetic Evenings at Home’.  These essays were first published in The Leader early in 1852 and have never been republished since. The couplet quoted is from The Princess by Tennyson and...

Newsletter – Winter 2000

JOURNAL 2000 Accompanying this Newsletter is Volume 3 of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal. Our thanks are due once again to the painstaking efforts of the editors, Graham Law and Lillian Nayder for putting together such an interesting collection of essays  These...

Newsletter – Summer 2000

WILKIE COLLINS AND MARYLEBONE – A WALK WITH THE VICTORIAN SOCIETY As mentioned in the last Newsletter, The Wilkie Collins Society and The Victorian Society have planned a joint walk for the afternoon of Saturday 9 September 2000, to be based on William...

Newsletter – Winter 1999

THE WILKIE COLLINS SOCIETY JOURNAL  Accompanying this Newsletter is the second issue of the New Series Journal.  Our thanks are due to the hard working editors, Graham Law and Lillian Nayder, who have spent so much time and effort putting together such an excellent...

Newsletter – Spring 1999

MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1999 The 1999 membership subscription is now due and should be sent to Membership Secretary, Paul Lewis, at the above address.  (NB subscriptions run from 1st January – 31 December).  For this year, we are once again maintaining the...