Wilkie Collins (Twayne’s English Authors Series)

Wilkie Collins (Twayne’s English Authors Series)

This volume is a timely guide for the “beginning” student of Collins. Although several substantial biographies of Collins have appeared since the 1970s, critical comment has until recently been surprisingly sparse. As information about the writer’s...
Authors in Context: Wilkie Collins

Authors in Context: Wilkie Collins

Lyn Pykett’s lucid new contribution to the study of Wilkie Collins is part of a series entitled Authors in Context, published by Oxford University Press and designed to provide students and other general readers with a manageable introduction to important authors. The...
Wilkie Collins: An Illustrated Guide

Wilkie Collins: An Illustrated Guide

As readers of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal are no doubt aware, the Parrish Collection, Princeton University Libraries, has a wealth of Wilkie Collins materials ranging from manuscripts, letters, and first or subsequent editions, to theatrical programs and other...