Newsletter – Summer 1996

JOINT MEETING WITH THE DICKENS FELLOWSHIP Michael Slater has revised the topic of his talk on Monday 4 November, 6.00 for 6.30 p.m.  He will now be speaking on Collins’s collaboration with Dickens in writing Christmas Stories for Household Words andAll the Year...

Newsletter – Summer 1995

PUBLICATIONS So far this year, there has been a wide and varied range of publications by and about Collins: WILKIE COLLINS:THE COMPLETE SHORTER FICTION Despite the publishers’ best endeavours to keep it secret from the WCS, The Complete Shorter Fiction, edited...

Newsletter – Spring 1995

MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1995 The 1995 membership subscription is now due and should be sent to Louise Marchant at the above address.  It has been held at £7.50 for UK and European members but in view of the high cost of overseas postage it is now necessary to...

Newsletter – Summer 1994

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Members who have not done so already should send their 1994 subscriptions to Louise Marchant at the above address. KENSAL GREEN CEMETRY On Saturday July 2nd 1994 (2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.) the Friends of Kensal Green Cemetary (FOKGC) are once again...