A Companion to Sensation Fiction

A Companion to Sensation Fiction

A collection of essays on Victorian sensation fiction should be, like the genre itself, an entertaining read, and Pamela K. Gilbert’s A Companion to Sensation Fiction does not disappoint, proving to be a fascinating and scholarly collection of essays. The volume forms...
Blind Love

Blind Love

The story of the composition of Wilkie Collins’s final work is almost as striking as that found in the novel itself. In the spring of 1887, soon after completing the revisions to the short stories collected in Little Novels and with several months left before he...
Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science

Detective Fiction and the Rise of Forensic Science

Ronald Thomas begins playfully enough, with acknowledgments to colleagues who are likened to a series of “equally culpable suspects” in a mystery story and with a dedication to his “partner in life if not in crime” (xvii, xviii). But readers will quickly recognize in...