Newsletter – Winter 2006

THE WCS JOURNAL Volume 9 of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal is in its final stages of preparation and should be dispatched to members early in the new year.  It will be a bumper issue with the contents including a lengthy study by Paul Lewis on ‘My Dear Dickens:...

Newsletter – Summer 2006

E-TEXT NEWS A project at the University of Buckingham aims to e-text the whole of Dickens’s periodicals Household Words and All The Year Round by the 200th anniversary of Dickens’s birth in February 2012.  That will mean the original periodical texts of some of...

Newsletter – Spring 2006

ANOTHER RAMBLES AROUND MARYLEBONE As mentioned in an earlier Newsletter, the WCS is planning a summer walk in conjunction with Andrew Duncan’s London Explorers Group (LEG).  Although the route will be a rerun of our earlier ‘Rambles Round Marylebone’, new information...

Newsletter – Winter 2005

BOOK AND MAGAZINE COLLECTOR Wilkie Collins features in an extensive fifteen page article by Richard Dalby in the December issue of Book and Magazine Collector.  The essay gives a good biographical resumé of Collins’s life set against the background of his published...

Newsletter – Summer 2005

AN ANNIVERSAY NOTE This year, 2005, marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Wilkie Collins Society.  Andrew Gasson recalls that it started like this: Early in 1980, I had just acquired the recently published Wilkie Collins: An Annotated Bibliography,...