by wilkieco | Apr 21, 2017 | Articles
Much has been made of Wilkie Collins’s legal training and its influence on his literature. Most of this research focuses on Collins’s explicit championing of certain pet legal causes (Maceachen 139; Dolin 30-31; Simpson 115) or his synthesis of litigation structure...
by wilkieco | Jan 25, 2017 | News
by Andrew Lycett [This article originally appeared in the Journal of the Society of Authors, The Author, VOL CXXVI, No. 1, Spring 2015. Reproduced by kind permission of Andrew Lycett and James McConnachie, editor.] ‘Nothing will induce me to modifiy the title’,...
by wilkieco | Jan 25, 2017 | News
THE ‘HEART AND SCIENCE’ CONFERENCE As most WCS members will know, we held a very successful conference on Saturday 24 September at the Barts Pathology Museum in the heart of the City of London. Our thanks go out to all of the excellent speakers as well as to our ever...
by wilkieco | Jan 25, 2017 | News
THE WILKIE COLLLINS CONFERENCE – 24 SEPTEMBER 2016 We are delighted to announce that the programme is now available for our forthcoming conference: ‘The ‘Heart’ and ‘Science’ of Wilkie Collins and his Contemporaries.’ The...
by wilkieco | Jan 25, 2017 | News
THE WILKIE COLLINS JOURNAL The latest issue of the Wilkie Collins Society Journal – Volume 13 (2015) is now available online at This has been produced under the joint editorship of Anne-Marie Beller and Joanne...